
FINCA is a Great Place to Work

Kudos FINCA Guatemala
FINCA Guatemala was certified on March 9 this year as one of the Best Companies to Work award from the Great Place to Work Institute. After passing the assessments, as well as the confidence index and Culture made by Salles Sainz Grant Thornton, an independent “auditing” authority. These rigorous certifications evaluate the staff’s assessment of their employer on four dimensions: credibility, respect, fairness and fellowship. The certification also assesses the processes, policies and human capital initiatives in order to come up with a Culture Trust Index®.

FINCA Guatemala scored well above the required standards on both. Judging from the staff reaction to receiving the award—photo at left—they agree wholeheartedly that FINCA is a GREAT PLACE TO WORK.

This fills us with motivation and committed to continue making changes to strengthen the culture and maintain support for our employees to enable them to have better quality of life.